In a desperate act to heal their broken hearts, two girlfriends vow to give up sex for a year only to discover that true love has no timeline.

After her divorce, Luna’s life is unraveling as she struggles to overcome the narcissistic abuse that haunts her mind. With her newly discovered bisexuality, she’s looking for “love” in all the wrong places. Meanwhile, 40-year-old Lily finds herself single again after a broken engagement. She’s ready to forsake her faith, finding love and her virginity. These two best friends embark on a journey to heal : Lily devotes herself to overcoming religious shame while Luna joins a therapy group to battle the ghosts of her past. But when their perfect matches show up, their commitment to stay abstinent is put to the test, along with their friendship.

About Us

We’ve all experienced heartbreak and the intense pain that it brings

During these times we feel as if we’re lost at sea without a lifejacket. It’s up to our true friends to come and pull us out of the water or keep us afloat until we can find our way to shore. This was what inspired us to tell this story, a film showing how two women can lean on each other to heal and take their power back…


Host: Aaron Michael Sanchez
Guests: Sonia Suvagau, Adriana Villi